- 020 - 2020285 / 2014663 / 2689865)
- email: enursery@kenyaforestservice.org
Kenya Forest Service (KFS) is a State Corporation whose mandate is to conserve, manage and protect public forest resources and to provide technical support to the County Governments, to manage community and private forests for equitable benefits of the present and future generations.In an effort to ensure assessment of the status of tree seedlings in the country, it is important to track, monitor and report on the tree seedlings production from all stakeholders in a timely, efficient and effective manner.
Purpose for Registration
The specific purpose of this innovative and interactive online portal is to facilitate voluntary registration of Institutional and Private Tree Nurseries in Kenya in order to;

Establish a comprehensive and credible database for all Institutional and Private Tree Nurseries: The invaluable role of the Institutional and Private Tree Nurseries in promoting national tree planting, as well as creation of jobs for youth, men and women across the country cannot be overemphasized. However, lack of coherent and reliable data on; the number of these tree nurseries, location, distribution, quantity and quality of seedlings produced, species diversity, infrastructure and technical capacity gaps, has continuously excluded a large segment of these nurseries from the government’s planning process and provision of services.
Support the attainment of the Presidential Directive on 10% national tree cover by 2022: The Ministry of Environment and Forestry and KFS continue to lead and sustain spirited efforts to mobilize all Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies, the Private Sector and the public, for the national tree planting campaigns. The Institutional and Private Tree Nurseries are expected to provide the bulk of the seedlings for attaining the 10% national tree cover goal.
Mapping of the tree nurseries. The voluntary registration will enhance mapping of the Institutional and Private tree nurseries to determine their spread and distribution as well as the available seedlings to support the national tree planting campaigns
Enhance networking, ease of doing business and market linkages: The voluntary registration will provide opportunities, not only for networking amongst the registered tree nursery practitioners, but also for increased marketing of seedlings to the diverse customerss
Improve standards for production of tree seedlings and management of tree nurseries: The voluntary registration will provide a convenient platform for sharing of information on quality standards among the registered tree nursery practitioners and stakeholders. This will further provide a key foundation towards certification of tree nurseries.
Target Categories
The categories of the Institutional and Private Tree Nurseries targeted for voluntary registration under this Public Notice, include
Tree nurseries owned and managed by Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies / Institutions;
Tree nurseries owned and managed by learning institutions, both public and private;
Tree nurseries owned and managed by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Private Companies; Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs);
Tree nurseries owned and managed by Community Forest Associations (CFAs); 5. Tree nurseries owned and managed by Timber Manufacturers Associations (TMAs) and Tree Growers Associations (TGAs);
Tree nurseries owned and managed by groups (youth, men/women groups);
Tree nurseries owned and managed by individuals; and
Tree nurseries owned and managed by any other organized groups;